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Home Grown Education
Kinder - 2nd Grade Education
Home Grown Education provides a relaxed, comfortable environment for home learning with the rigor and expertise of a professional educator.
We believe in flexible learning environment that gives resources to support parents as the primary educators.
One way Home Grown Education supports parents is through structured reading and math instruction in small group learning pods, allowing parents to fulfill their other important responsibilities.
More Time in Your Day for the Learning They Love
One disadvantage of public school is the amount of time it takes out of your child's day. Our shortened day schedule guarantees high-impact education, leaving room in your child's day to focus on what they love or to just enjoy being a kid.
Support as You Shape your Child's Education
It takes a village to raise a child, and sometimes, having some support is just what parents need. Home Grown Education uses our expertise to give you an additional perspective as you make decisions for your child.
Balance in Your Homeschooling Life
Enjoy the freedom of homeschooling your children with the guaranteed security of knowing you have someone on your side to support you in your child's educational growth.

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